(2013-08-20 7:52 AM)
(1) I love the Simpsons, but taking into acnouct both shows' complete bodies of work to this point, I'd take South Park. The Losing Edge is one of the five greatest episodes of any TV show ever.(2) For the record, the whole South Park ripped off College Humor for their Inception joke thing is bullshit. It was lazy diligence on Stone and Parker's part to substitute watching the skit for watching the actual movie and they apologized for it, but there wasn't a joke in that College Humor sketch that a million other people who saw Inception weren't already making. It goes without saying that it's wrong to rip off a writer's original work, but that Inception/College Humor thing is overblown there was nothing in that skit that was breaking new ground. Basically they took all the jokes people were making about Inception, filmed it and put it on the Internet. If South Park were going to give the College Humor guys a writing credit for that, they would also have to extend it to about a million others too. So if you're still worked up over that and thinking that Stone/Parker/South Park are terrible for it, you and your righteous indignation can get fucked.