(2013-08-20 11:23 PM)
Actually, yes, there are "idea" guys in Hollywood and even in publishing who are doing quite well. I once even wrote a brief essay about it. As soectiy takes itself to new intellectual lows, it has reached a point where the idea is the thing.I used to know a writer who is now nothing more than an idea man. He makes a good living at it. I'd mention his name, but I still like the guy and he'd get mad at me if he thought I was making light of him. One of his ideas was a huge movie hit in the past couple of years. It started out as a simple one-line premise and became a movie.That's the way the machinery likes it.People who can't draw probably shouldn't be working in animation. Are there any good writers in cartoons who can't illustrate? Who don't know anything about how to physically draw drama or fear or humor? I know that there are probably such people working in animation---I just don't know if there are any who do that who are "good".I will say that there are writers in comics who can't draw worth a damn and create amazing comics work. Those Brit writers are all pretty good in comics--Moore, Gaiman, Morrison, Delano, Ennis, Ellis, etc.But in animation? A guy who can't illustrate creating work that translates into funny or dramatic images? Clue us in, O Sage One...